Saturday, April 19, 2008

Nasty decrepit ogre
Fraught with Marlboro reds and Kmart specials
Kills plant life as she shuffles past innocent objects of life.
Her cracked and stained yellow lips threaten me for fun.

Her sagging miserable floppy ass eats her sweatpants and
I try my best not imagine what that thing looks like uncovered.

I wonder if she has ever had a wax job on that upper lip
Black as the mold that grows on my bathroom ceiling

When she displays her flawed characteristic disorder on my doorstep
I often look past her and imagine her floating facedown
in the (sess)pool that takes up the courtyard. It makes me grin uncontrollably.

Her tongue lashes out and catches a fly midflight.

She glares at me, unamused. Her swollen cankles, unamused. Her unbraziered appendages were definitely not amused. I was causing her grief by simply existing
Which made me wonder how I can exist at a greater intensity to make a blood vessel burst. It didn’t seem like a complicated plan.

I slowly closed the door and listened to her protest.
Turning the latch severed her voice and I listened hard for her to take her muffled grumbling elsewhere. It faded to a light nag and carried me away to thank-god-that’s-not-me Land...

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